Until a few years ago, I was clueless about the concept of “core values.” At Date With Destiny, a 6-day immersion event led by Tony Robbins, he presented the importance of being clear with knowing our core values.
I thought I was the only one who didn’t know her core values, but the more I engaged with other participants, I realized they didn’t know their values either and that many of us had a tough time coming up with a list of values.
During that experience, I felt the desire to go deeper, and I started my research on values. I created a list of over 600 values, which has helped me to understand ME and what I value the most in my life.
The definition of Value is “one’s judgment of what’s important in life.”
This concept has allowed me to become even more aware and clear with what energies, qualities, emotions, elements, attitudes, or points of view are truly important and matter in my life. It has helped me see where my focus is and why I make certain decisions.
There is so much power in knowing which values move me TOWARD or which values move me AWAY from my desires, wants, and needs.
From that long list, I pick 100 values that I resonate with every year; then, I pick my top 10 values, which become my core values for the year. Throughout the years of paying attention to my values, it has been interesting to see how many areas of my life have shifted when I change my core values or the hierarchy.
In my journey of mastering the skill of setting boundaries, I realized that to define clear and compelling boundaries, my core values in every area of my life are the foundation needed to set boundaries. Boundaries are created from the awareness of our values.
Core Values are a crucial topic in relation to boundaries, a subject we explore in-depth at The Boundaries Embodiment Experience (B.E.E) – an eight-week online group coaching program.
If you desire to create healthy boundaries in your life, I invite you to check it out!
If you would like to explore how we can help you go FROM feeling powerless and stuck TO powerful and confident, Click here to access your complementary Awakening Discovery Call to explore what is going on in your life, relationship, and/or intimacy that is holding you back from living the life you desire. After gaining clarity and insights, if you are interested to learn more about how I can help you, I will be glad to answer any questions regarding any of my one on one sessions, programs, immersions and retreats that may be a fit for you.
Trauma-Informed Intimacy Expert helping clients gain clarity, confidence, and passion in their relationships.
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