My heart feels tight,
My breath is shallow,
My mind is spiraling,
My trust, passion and desires are holding space,
For me to feel this with love, compassion and a sense of breakthrough.
Tears fall down my cheeks,
Fuck, I have been working on this for so long,
Can my fears just disappear?
Can my fears let me be,
Can my fears let me feel my glory?
Why do you need to be present right now,
I don’t want you,
gosh… Let me be, leave me alone!
Begging for a sense of peace,
Asking for freedom,
Asking for certainty.
All I want is freedom to love and be self.
All I want is joy to express myself without restrains of what others will think, judge or critique.
Oh God/Goddess….
Who am I living my life for… SELF or others?
Checking in with my body and essence,
What is happening now?
By allowing my fears to be felt with unconditional love, my mind is finding words of power to destroy.
By allowing to be present with my fears, my mind ask smarter questions.
With the power of these questions my fears start to melt away.
Checking from one to ten,
I am almost there,
Breath more, feel more and love more.
Checking from one to ten,
I am almost there,
Breath more, feel more and love more.
Checking from one to ten,
I am almost there,
Breath more, feel more and love more.
Almost there,
Breath more, feel more, love more and live more.
I am there!
Ahhh… Feeling the orgasmic love and gratitude rushing through my body,
Feeling the joy of honoring my fears,
Feeling the abundance my fears have to offer to SELF when I allow to feel, be present, observe, let go and destroy any past and present fears.
Are my fears forever destroyed?
Will I encounter them again?
Will I feel this again?
Certainly they will come up to show me something or many things,
To let me see and feel I am still human,
To let me experience the contrast of love,
To awaken my curiosity of life, for life and through life.
To ignite up my purpose to a level 10,
To get me out of my comfort zone,
To kick my ass when I feel superior or inferior than others,
To awaken my desire to destroy my obstacles,
To power my heart with a new understanding of self,
To let me see, I am expanding!
I will be afraid again,
It will be ok,
I will thrive above it all,
I will observe and awake,
I will see, be and express my wholeness.
I will remember to breath,
I will remember to feel,
I will remember to be present,
I will remember to honor my fears,
I will remember to let go,
I will remember to destroy and
I will remember to feel the emptiness for new creations.
I will breath, feel and be fully present.
I am ready, bring it on!
Copyright 2016 Lucia Gabriela
Trauma-Informed Intimacy Expert helping clients gain clarity, confidence, and passion in their relationships.
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