I still see many spiritual and religious people who shame and judge sexual practices that seem dark.
I still witness many spiritual and religious people fighting against their inner sexual shadows.
I still observe many spiritual and religious people talking about consciousness and still denigrating the power of the dark, just because it is not light.
It is time we honor every human being for who they are, their uniqueness and preferences of their creations.
I used to be one of them, I fired myself.
I used to be afraid of the unknown, I burned myself.
I used to be ignorant of many sexual practices, I was blind.
I used to be convinced that sacredness looked one way and not another….
Until I felt the fire,
awakened into the darkness,
awakened into the light,
Honored and appreciated our wholeness,
Our contrast,
Our polarity and
Our infinity.
Sexual Healing and Mastery cannot exist in the presence of judgment, fear, shame, and guilt.
I learned to created sacred space for what it is needed, sometimes you would call it light, sometimes you would call it dark.
I call it “Your own awakening”
In sacredness there is no judgment, fear, duality, shame, guilt or confusion.
In sacredness we see our soul and its power and welcome it into our existence.
In sacredness we accept who we are and who we choose to be in this realm.
In sacredness we welcome every single being, light, dark or rainbow, and honor them for their contribution in our existence.
At the end of the day, we create our own realities. Let’s be responsible for our creations.
It is time we create safe sacred space for all that needs to be created.
At the end of the day, we create what we focus on and the meanings we put on it.
So be it!
Trauma-Informed Intimacy Expert helping clients gain clarity, confidence, and passion in their relationships.
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